
Consultative Ballot and Pay

Consultative ballot on the national campaign and pay
Conference agreed last week to consult members on our national campaign, including taking part in a campaign of coordinated action with other unions aimed at ending the public sector pay cap, and setting up a levy to fund targeted action in our areas.

To launch the campaign PCS is organising a "we all need a pay rise" day on 12th June 2014 to coincide with the opening of the ballot.

We need a serious challenge to the government's pay policy. Our members need a pay rise and winning this ballot, building support for strike action and the campaign is an urgent task for us all.

Remember - DWP members need a pay rise
The GEC has submitted a pay claim for 2014 demanding:

  • An end to the government imposed pay freeze/cap
  • A Minimum 5% or £1,200 consolidated pay increase
  • Short pay scales and pay progression as a right for all staff
  • Closing the  pay gaps within and across departments
  • No discriminatory performance pay
  • The Living Wage to underpin all pay policies and contracts
The Government wants to limit our pay increase to 1% for the third year in a row whilst inflation measured by the Consumer Price Index is currently at 1.65 and the Retail Price Index (RPI) that includes housing costs is at 2.5%.

A 1% increase means that PCS members will be even worse off in real terms. 

In the private sector wage settlements this year are predicted to exceed the rate of inflation for the first time since the recession began in 2007.

Against this background PCS members will be angry at a Government that wants to hold down their pay again, deny pay progression and allow the gap between DWP pay and other comparable outside private sector workers get bigger.

The PCS DWP GEC will fight for a fair pay increase.