
Overheating: Will The Departmental Guidance Be Followed in 2009?

The purpose of this circular is to inform members of the basic outline of the overheating guidance in advance of summer 2009 following the woeful lack of willingness by the employer to follow the guidance during the extremely hot period in July 2006. Last year (2008) was wet, this year may be hot, very hot. The details are as follows:
  • Allow staff frequent breaks to have drinks of cold water to combat the effects of dehydration

  • If practical, move staff into rooms less affected by solar gain

  • Allow regular breaks in the open air

  • Extend lunch breaks allowing full flexi credit for any extension

  • Consider sending home any officer particularly at risk, e.g. those who are not in the best of health, allowing full flexi credit for absences
There have been discussions regarding the following of the guidance on many sites and in many units. You will not be surprised that the majority of units admitted to taking little or no action in relation to the harder type decisions i.e. to allow extended lunch breaks or sending staff home with full flexi credits as this could impact clearance of the files and answering of the phones in the organisations with direct contact with the Public. That said it has been acknowledged in certain units that action plans will need to be drawn up for the summer 2009 including the provision of cool areas, cooling units and that there will have to be an acceptance that the harder type decisions will have to be taken, for once.

Members need to be aware of the action that can be taken and not accept being fobbed off as the employer may well revert to type and adopt a policy of waiting for cooler weather to arrive whilst staff swelter in unbearable conditions. Please keep this circular for the hot months.

If you require any further information then please contact your Branch Office.