
TUC on proposed reform of the sick note

Sounding a note of caution about Government proposals announced today (Thursday) concerning the reform of the sick note, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said:

'The TUC agrees that more needs to be done to help those off sick to return to work. In some cases a phased or a supported return may help speed up the process of an ill or injured worker getting back to work.
'But there are many circumstances where an early return can prevent the worker making a full recovery, or even lead to a relapse. Most employers won't have the expertise to give workers the support they need for an early return and this could make matters worse.
'There is also a danger that because of the proposed changes, the sick note process will become a dialogue between the GP and the employer, and workers may feel they are being forced back to work. The most effective way of encouraging workers back to work is through access to proper occupational health support.'
Information courtesy of the TUC.