
DCPU - Imposed Extension to Turret Working.

Has the Employer addressed the Health and Safety and Equality Issues?

If you work in the DCPU you will be aware that Senior Management have imposed the extension of turret working from 4pm to 5pm (and we assume the earlier hours before 10 am as well) with effect from Tuesday 20th May 2008. Hopefully you will also be aware that PCS rejected Senior Management’s imposition of, and the extension of the Turrets working with its compulsory rotas.
At the members’ meetings both Health and Safety and Equality issues were raised by the members and discussed. As explained at the meetings the employer has been slow off the mark in addressing its Legal and contractual requirements. But quick off the mark in imposing the new Turrets rotas. It is worth bearing in mind when talking about contractual requirements that where FWH schemes are offered to staff they become a contractual right and not a privilege despite what some managers perpetuate.

Overleaf is a copy of the latest correspondence to the DCPU Senior Management regarding the issues of the work process Health and Safety Risk Assessments (legal requirement that should have been done in 1992 and then reviewed every time there is a significant change or a new RA done) and the Equality/ Diversity Impact Assessment.

Although these issues were once again flagged up to the employer at the meeting on 28th April 2008 they have not been forthcoming, nor has the discussions about implementation.

IF you are asked to work on a Turrets rota you may wish to indicate that you wish to view the Risk Assessments PRIOR to doing so. If they are not forthcoming then please work under duress and submit a grievance.

If you have read this circular and are not a member; then please complete the membership form (link on right hand side of this site) to join.