
Turrets Working In The DCPU

The purpose of this post is to provide an update on the roll-out of the turret pilot in Unit 5, the processes to ensure in Units 1 and 4 that are continuing and the potential roll out of the processes into Units 2 & 3.

Units 5 (The first Unit to roll out the pilot)
On 15th October 2008 there was a members’ meeting in Unit 5, and the actual details of the outcome have been circulated to members in the area. On 16th October 2008 we presented the findings broken down room by room to the employer. A circular detailing the responses has been issued to members in the area. On Monday 20th October 2008 a small team of activists walk round all the rooms in Unit 5 to gauge the latest position and again the results were fed back to the employer at a meeting on Wednesday 22nd October 2008. There was an acceptance that there has not been the level of communications that were desirable, but the message that availability and preference are different things appears now to be resonating. Senior DCPU 5 Management are going to try a form of control sheet in their area that allows easier identification of availability (when you are available to cover the phones) and preference (when you would prefer to cover the phones, without feeling coercion).

The question of targets in terms of set number of hours on the phones has been withdrawn.

The room that had not started on the process (B215) have now started with effect from 20th October 2008.

Issues such as the length of shifts and flexibility are being progressed and further details will be issued to the members in Unit 5 after next week’s meeting.

We will continue to seek feedback and intend to look at means of doing so (room meetings etc).

Units 1 and 4 (The pilot area)
On 14th October 2008 a small team of PCS activists walked round Units 1 and 4 to gauge if there were still any problems. A comprehensive audit of the rooms was undertaken. This was broadly in line with the members ballot on 17th September 2008 (details of which have been previously circulated), however there had been some changes due to the time that had lapsed. On 16th October 2008 we presented the points from the walk round of Units 1 and 4 to the employer. The Senior Management were asked to respond to the points.

At the meeting on Wednesday 22nd October 2008 Unit 1 Management responded to the results of the walk round sheets, advising that they thought (in the main) that they were positive and that they had looked into all the areas of concern. They were satisfied that the message contained in the three agreed joint statements had been implemented and re-stated.

Unfortunately Unit 4 Management have yet to respond to their results of the walk round sheets, but they have been asked to and reminded particularly the “pockets” where it still does not appear to be working as it should.

Units 2 & 3
Units 2 and 3 were due to go live in terms of the rollout from week commencing 3rd November 2008, however it is now likely that this may be postponed by a short period of time due to the fact that half terms week is right in front of the roll out week and there needs to be an assurance process, so that things are done correctly.

Preference and Availability
Remember the Joint Statement that the pilot process is to work on both preference AND availability, as it states -

‘The terms of the Pilot were to take forward a process that would allow staff to state their availability (times staff will be in the office on any particular day) and preference (giving staff the opportunity to state the period they would prefer to undertake their turret cover without feeling they are being coerced) whilst recognising that cover has to be provided.’

Therefore, all staff should be asked to state their start and finish times and their preferred turret slot within their stated availability. However, with preference comes responsibility and members need to remember that we also have a responsibility from the Joint Statement to ensure that the slots are fully filled, but of course without coercion.

Staffing and processes in Helpline

The employer has indicated that the GAD upgrade has in their opinion gone well and also that the recruitment into Helpline of 24 staff (who are now taking calls) has meant a reduction recently in the amount of “Turreting”.

We will continue to press for additional staffing at the forthcoming meetings with the employer to ensure that the key aspect in the joint agreed statements is honoured i.e. the need to address the staffing issues in Helpline to reduce the dependency on excessive amounts of Turrets cover.

I would like to thank Emma Haslehurst, Clark Nuttall and Victor Carman for all their work over the past few weeks in walk rounds and meetings etc.

If anyone experiences any problems or has any concerns about the pilot, the roll out thus far and into the next stages, please contact Emma Haslehurst or Dean Rhodes. It is important that issues are raised now so that we can try and address them during the next stages of the pilot roll out.