
Branch AGM Nominations

The Agenda for the AGM will be sent out to members nearer the time, we have to work out the finer details of the time allocations first but, you should know from previous posts, A 2 hour flexi credit (plus travelling time) used to be granted for members to attend the AGM. This may be reduced due to the employer’s attacks on facility time.

I hope you will attend, not only to elect those who will represent you in 2009, but also to vote on making Union policy. This meeting is your opportunity to vote on issues which affect YOU.

A full list of valid nominations for Branch appointments is shown below.

Chair: Martin Jones, Dave Kearsley

Deputy Chair: Vic Carman, Grant McClure

Vice Chair: Fred Claber

Vice Chair: Charlie Kingston

Banch Secretary: Julie Dare, Duncan Griffiths

Branch Deputy Secretary(1): Emma Haslehurst
Branch Deputy Secretary(2): Trisha Spencer
Branch Deputy Secretary(3): Lee Wallace-Dand

Asst Branch Secretary (DCS): Dean Rhodes
Asst Branch Secretary (Departmental Directorates): Charles Hancock
Asst Branch Secretary (Jobcentre Plus): No Nomination
Asst Branch Secretary (CSA): Bill Robison

Treasurer: Jacqui Dunkerley
Assistant Treasurer: Chris Wade

Organiser: Michelle Kenyon

Deputy Organiser (three posts): Jon Colgan*, Janice Gibbons*, Katya Lawder, Malcolm Phair (* is elected unopposed in accordance with the provisions of Rule 15)

Membership Officer: Mick Daniels, Denise McCallum

Equal Opportunities Officer: Julie Dare, Gloria Hodgkinson

Branch Auditors (2): No Nominations

National Conference Delegates (5 to be elected): Clare Bat Or, Emma Haslehurst, Martin Jones, Dave Kearsley, Michelle Kenyon, Grant McClure, Chris Wade

DWP Group Conference Delegates(5 to be elected): Clare Bat Or, Emma Haslehurst, Gloria Hodgkinson, Dave Kearsely, Michelle Kenyon, Grant McClure, Chris Wade

Where the prescribed number of nominations were received the officers above have been duly elected unopposed. There will be an election for Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Deputy Organiser, Membership Officer, and Equal Opportunities Officer; details will be issued in due course.

Branch Women’s Committee (12 to be elected): Clare Bat Or, Julie Dare, Emma Haslehurst, Gloria Hodgkinson, Michelle Kenyon, Trisha Spencer

Branch Black Members’ Committee (12 to be elected): No nominations received

Branch Young Members’ Committee (8 to be elected): Emma Haslehurst

The following vacancies can be filled by candidates nominated at the AGM:

Branch Officers (see list with no nominations), Branch Auditors (2 posts), Branch Women’s Committee (6 posts), Branch Black Members’ Committee (12 posts), Branch Young Members’ Committee (7 posts).

Please attend the AGM and exercise your democratic rights as a member.