
Hope Not Hate - Luton

The following has been supplied by Hope Not Hate:

There are moments that our movement of hope is made for. This is one of them...

In a few weeks time, football hooligans, far right extremists and Islamophobes are planning to descend on Luton, with a simple goal - to whip up fear, religious tension and violence, and you won't be surprised to hear that the BNP are involved.

The last time the anti-Islam protesters marched in Luton, gangs of thugs stormed the predominantly Muslim area of the town, smashing up cars and shopfronts along the way - and forcing law abiding men and women to flea or fight to safeguard their homes and families.

Riot police had to be deployed and 35 people were arrested.

We can't let this happen again.I've set up a tool on the Hope not Hate website that lets you contact the people who can stop this violent gathering - the Home Secretary Alan Johnson and Bedfordshire's Chief Constable Gillian Parker. It will take you less than a minute to send a message - all you need to do is click here.

We only have to remember how BNP supporters triggered the Oldham riot in 2001 to realise the consequences of these actions. We must stop this - we can't let these thugs take control of our streets even for a single moment. The BNP are actively involved in this protest because they know that whipping up violence and inter-community tension can only benefit them.

Chris Renton, a BNP super activist, has helped the hooligans with their website. Marlene Guest, who stood as a BNP Euro candidate in June, will be attending and recently spoke at a local anti Islam gathering. Martyn Page, treasurer of the BNP's Broxtowe group, has boasted about bringing "hundreds" of people to the anti-Islamic event. The key organiser of the protest has also admitted to attending BNP meetings. Our society is based on rights and responsibilities - and we have a duty to protect our communities from these organised, violent thugs.

If you agree, please take a moment to help us stop this dangerous, hateful event.

We can stop this violence. We can stop the racists intimidating and attacking the law abiding people of Luton.

But we need your help - and just a minute of your time.
