
The Coalition attack on our jobs, services and communities: The NW TUC Response

The programme set out by the Coalition Government, particularly in its emergency budget is economically reckless and socially divisive. The NW TUC will play its part in defending our jobs, services and communities.

This statement sets out our key responses and outlines our campaign plan.
  • Cuts now will make the recession worse. Private sector as well as public sector jobs depend on public spending. Poorer regions are especially dependent on public spending.
  • The government sees cuts as the only way we can reduce the deficit. It is not. We should tax those who did well from the boom, not penalise those that did nothing to cause the crisis. Government needs to invest in growth not stifle the recovery.
  • The coalition is breaking its promises that the cuts will be fair as they will hit front-line services; the poor and vulnerable; increase inequality; open up a new North/South divide; and let the rich off the hook.
  • Some in the coalition have a long-standing political project to slash the state and are using the deficit as an excuse. Right-wing politicians and think tanks called for cuts when the economy was booming. Their agenda is driven by ideology rather than economic reality.
  • Tax-payers are right to ask for value for money. Academy and Free schools, increased privatisation and ever more complex internal markets will deliver less for more.

Our campaign web site http://www.proudtoservethepublic.org.uk will carry the latest news, campaign resources and links to other material and nationally the TUC’s “Cuts Watch” is carrying almost daily features - http://www.touchstoneblog.org.uk/category/cuts-watch/

Campaign Plan
Lobbying of MPs and Councillors in their constituencies: Local trade unionists will be lobbying MPs and councillors – particularly Lib Dems in the run up to the Comprehensive Spending Review.

Lib Dem National Conference
Is this year in Liverpool and we will be organising a range of events and activities to particularly challenge rank and file delegates to reject the right wing agenda of the Coalition.

The NW TUC Campaign, Proud to Serve the Public will be holding a march and rally on the 18 September and there will be lobbying and other actions throughout the conference.

No to austerity – Priority for jobs and growth!
The European TUC is calling a European Day of activity on 20 September, unions nationally will be sending delegations to the Euro Demonstration in Brussels demonstrating against the austerity measures adopted recently by many European countries, and to demand recovery plans in favor of quality jobs and growth.

Speak up for Public services – nationwide action
We will be supporting the national rally and lobby of parliament called by the Public Service Liaison Group for the 19 October, the eve of the announcement of the Comprehensive spending review.

As part of that period of activity we will be coordination regional and local activities on the 22 and 23 October.

There is an alternative!
In November we will be holding a major conference for union officers and reps from private and public sector unions, voluntary and community organisations, service users to seek to understand the nature of the attacks and to develop our alternative strategies.

National march and rally
Our plans will be geared towards a massive response from the North West and participation in the planned national march and rally in the spring of 2011.