
TUC Black Workers' Conference 2011

The TUC Black Workers' Conference will be held from 8 - 10 April 2011. The venue will be TUC, Congress House, Gt. Russell Street, London, WC1B 3LS.

PCS uses 'black' in the political context to encompass members who are from African/Caribbean, Asian, Chinese, etc, ethnicity.

The timings of the conference sessions are as follows:

Friday 8th April
Start: 2.00pm
End: 5.30pm

Saturday 9th April
Start: 9.30am
End: 5.30pm

Sunday 10th April
Start: 9.15am
End: 1.00pm

PCS Delegation
PCS will send a delegation to the conference. The complement of the delegation will be NEC members, the NBMC Secretary, nominees standing for election to the TUC Race Committee and branch nominees. The number of the delegation is to be decided. Eligible branch members are entitled to self nominate. An Application Form is available from your Branch Secretary on 01253 333484 or by emailing duncan.griffiths@dwp.gsi.gov.uk and must be used when applying for consideration.

Roles & Responsibilities
TUC Equality Conferences are important. They provide opportunities for PCS to build support for the union's campaigns. The Equality TUC Conferences are not primarily a learning event. Conference business is concerned with the debating of policy motions submitted by affiliated unions.

All selected candidates have a responsibility to participate fully in conference proceedings by speaking on at least one motion or ask a question about the progress of adopted policy reported in the TUC Black Workers Conference annual report. Delegates are required to attend for the full duration of conference.

PCS Delegation Meeting
There will be a pre conference PCS delegation meeting on the morning of Friday 8 April 2011. The meeting will be used to support delegates, advise on any developments or policies and answer queries relating to the conference.

Selection Criteria
The criteria for selection of delegates will be:
  • The need to achieve a wide mix of union groups and employers
  • The need to have a reasonable geographical spread
  • The need to encourage more people to take an active role alongside existing experience.
Supporting Statements
In considering applications, great weight will be attached to the reasons given for wanting to be a delegate to this important event. So applicants should spend some time outlining their reasons.

Deadline for Receipt of Nominations
Please ensure that nominations are sent to Lorna Campbell, at PCS HQ, 160 Falcon Road, London SW11 2LN by the closing date which is: Friday 11th February, 2011 (mid-day).

No nominations will be taken after midday 11th February 2011.

Faxes are acceptable and can be sent to 020 7801 2763. You can also e-mail nominations to equality@pcs.org.uk

Accommodation, Travel and Subsistence
Accommodation will be booked in Eastbourne for the PCS delegation. Accommodation, travel and subsistence will be paid from central funds.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Laura on 020 7801 2683. Alternatively, email equality@pcs.org.uk.