
Preston Against the Cuts

Public Outcry!

Public Rally
12th February at 12.00 noon
Preston Flag Market

A society is measured on how well it treats its young, its old, its sick and most vulnerable.

We should never forget that it was the banking sector that caused the recession, and is ultimately responsible for the huge debts that the UK has amassed. Despite causing the crisis, the banking sector has escaped any significant regulation, and bankers are again awarding themselves huge bonuses.
  • We call on the County Council and the Borough Council to refuse to make cuts
  • Lobby your MP against the cuts
  • Attend the Rally for the Alternative in London on March 26th
  • Write to the papers, send messages to internet sites, and phone into radio and television stations condemning the cuts and telling them how you will be affected
  • Shout as loud as you can that the cuts are unfair, unjust and unacceptable.
Cuts will cost lives!

Find out more at http://www.prestonagainstcuts.org.uk/ and facebook search "Preston against cuts".

For more information please email: Prestonagainstcuts@gmail.com.

This Rally is sponsored by Preston and district Trades Council and supported by community organisations, including:

Details of the Blackpool events can be found here and here.