
Autumn of action looms

Following the success of the mass walkout and co-ordinated action with other unions on 30 June the plan is to co-ordinate further action with other trades unionists being targeted by government cutbacks.

After the well-supported national action by PCS, the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, more strikes could be on the way this autumn. Negotiations may be ongoing, but there is little or no movement over the future of public sector pensions – and seemingly little option other than to take a stand against a government that refuses to budge.

Unison general secretary Dave Prentis has said if no agreement is reached there will be a ballot of Unison’s 1.2 million members working in local government and the NHS over the government’s pension reforms. In June he said: “Be in no doubt this union is on the road to industrial action in the autumn.

“This will not be a one-day action, as we know that will not change anything. This is longer term industrial action to prevent the destruction of public service pension schemes. The only thing that can stop this is if the government allows us to negotiate."

The union is said to have put together a £30million fighting fund for the action, including the £1.2million cost of the ballot itself. To prepare for possible industrial action, Unison has had to demonstrate an accurate database of members, a process likely to take 17 weeks to complete in order for there to be as little scope as possible for employers to challenge the ballot.