
Sick Pay is good for everyone

The following information has been supplied by the TUC:

A week before the Government published a report on sick pay in the UK a research study in the US says that extending paid sick leave could save the country $1 billion in medical costs annually. On 21st November the UK Government will unveil a report by Dame Carol Black and David Frost into the workings of the present sickness absence and sick pay scheme. While it is not unlikely to propose a major overhaul of the system many unions and disability charities are worried that it might be used to force workers back too early. However according to a report released today by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR), paid sick leave is good for the economy, employers and the country. Currently, more than 44 million American workers do not have access to paid sick days, and more are unable to use time off to take care of sick children or other family members. "Taking time off work to see a primary care doctor is common sense, but over 40 million Americans cannot do so without losing pay or their job," said Kevin Miller, Senior Research Associate with IWPR and an author of the report." Americans are paying over $1 billion each year in preventable emergency department costs because hard-working people without paid sick days are unable to get the preventative and early treatment they and their children need." Employees with access to paid sick days have an easier time getting to a doctor during regular business hours to care for themselves or family members. In turn, access to paid sick days can help to decrease the likelihood that a worker will put off needed care and increases access to preventive care among workers and their children.