
The Redundancy Process Begins at Norcross...

...Your Help is Needed.

Dear Colleagues,

We are asking that all members write to the leaderships of the councils regarding the closure of the DWP Norcross site, and the fact that the redundancy process has now commenced for some members who are employed by the DWP’s contractors.

When the DWP Norcross site was announced to be closed on 27th June 2012 PCS warned about the dangers of job losses and redundancies in the DWP and particularly in the DWP’s contractors areas. We doubted that all the jobs will be maintained in the Fylde if one very large site closes.

We asked the employer for assurances about all the DWP jobs and those of the contractors including, IT support, Catering, Messengerial, Security, and cleaners. We could not get a “no job losses assurance” for the DWP’s contractors.

When we met with the leadership of the Wyre Council on 28th May 2012 they were adamant that the guarantee of no job losses included the DWP’s contractors (catering, messengers, van drivers, security, cleaners etc). We explained to them who the contractors were and the type of work that they did and asked if they were absolutely sure that what they had was a “no job losses guarantee” in the DWP and including the DWP’s contractors. They indicated that they were but would check with the DWP.

As soon as the announcement was made the DWP’s official position in their manager’s brief and as reported in the media was “we will work with our suppliers and service partners to help seek redeployment opportunities for the individuals affected.” This is nowhere near to being a “no job losses guarantee” that the Councils Leadership publicly announced.  

The DWP’s contractors employing privatised former Civil Servants in some areas, such as MITIE cleaning have commenced the redundancy process and have started pre redundancy meetings with their staff.

 A model letter on the subject to send to your council leader (which is likely to be Wyre, Blackpool or Fylde for the majority of members) asking that they ensure that the commitment that they believe that they had secured is honoured can be found here along with contact details. Members in the support areas need your help.