
BBW DWP ballot result

PCS members have voted overwhelmingly to accept this year's negotiated pay award which will see staff receiving between 2% – 3.5% pay increases and an agreement to pay the Living Wage in our Service Centres.

Payments of the rise including backdated monies will be made in the December wage. We realise that this is some time away but we have been asked by BBW to allow them to bed in their new computerised system (Oracle) before processing the rise.

It is worth reminding our members that the non negotiated staff only got a 1% rise at start of 2012 and that the increased percentage we achieved was due to the negotiation skills of the PCS Pay Team.

PCS are seriously going to look at only negotiating pay increases for staff who are fully paid up members of PCS next year.

With this in mind PCS are asking all our members to speak to non members in your workplace and explain that PCS is serious about only negotiating on pay for members of the union in future negotiations and ask them to join us and fill out the membership form that is attached to this briefing. These can then be returned to your local rep or sent to the freepost address on the application.

The details of the award can be found here.