
Government 'reckless' on equality checks

The following has been supplied by the TUC:
The TUC has accused David Cameron of being 'reckless' after he announced plans to scrap the requirement on government departments and other public bodies to undertake equality impact assessments before the introduction of policy changes. Responding to the prime minister's CBI conference speech, TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said the move could mean damaging safety and other consequences are overlooked when policies are revised. He said: 'The prime minister says he is committed to clamping down on discrimination in the workplace but at the same time is removing an essential measure for monitoring it. Equality impact assessments are not burdensome 'red tape'. They have proved invaluable in highlighting how proposed legislation could affect women and vulnerable workers.' He added: 'In the transport sector the axing of this requirement would allow staffing levels at stations to be changed without any regard to the impact this would have on female passengers' safety. This move smacks of a desperate attempt to placate the business lobby, which like the TUC, is deeply concerned at our economy's anaemic growth. But scrapping equality impact assessments would be reckless and is not the way to get our country moving again.'