
Sources of Help and Information

Dear Colleagues

The Fylde Central Benefits and Services Branch priority over the forthcoming period will be to ensure that the collective campaigning work continues (job cuts, site closures, pensions, pay etc).

With the developments in electronic media there are often web sites and other sources of information that are available to members. I will briefly outline some of them as follows:

National PCS
The National PCS website is http://www.pcs.org.uk
The telephone number is: 020 7924 2727

PCS personal case and legal advice

DWP Group
Their telephone number is: 0113 200 5300

To e-mail the DWP Group Office the e-mail address is: leeds@pcs.org.uk

They have a useful page about Personnel Policy and other guidance at: 

They also have a frequently asked questions section here:

North West Regional Office
Their telephone number is: 0151 298 3900

To e-mail the North West Regional Office the e-mail address is: nwrc@pcs.org.uk

The Branch
The Branch Website is: http://pcs-fylde.blogspot.co.uk (you probably know that as this information is hosted on it). If you scroll down the right hand side of the web you will notice many areas that link you to sites and contacts that may be of help and assistance, including the ones above. These are broken into topics and then a section of links to other websites that may be helpful. The Branch Website is regularly updated.

I hope that the above is useful. It may be beneficial to keep a link to this information for reference in the future. This information is available as a .pdf here.

Yours Sincerely

Duncan Griffiths
Branch Secretary