
New code to hit inspections.

The following has been supplied by the TUC:
A new code introduced by the Government recently will further reduce the level of health inspection by Local Authorities. The number of pro-active inspections by local councils has already fallen by 86% in the past three years. Now, Local authorities are being banned from health and safety inspections on anything but the highest risk premises under a new binding code. The HSE's statutory National Enforcement Code for local authorities will see tens of thousands of businesses removed from health and safety inspections which the government does not consider there to be sufficient risk including most shops and offices. The TUC had already expressed concern over the move to force councils to limit inspections. TUC Head of Health and Safety, Hugh Robertson said 'We agree that inspections should be targeted at risk, but much of the risk in these premises is from injuries through slips, trips, violence, stress or repetitive movements, yet these are not seen as a priority area despite the fact that they are responsible for three quarters of all work related sickness absence. These will now be ignored. Also, the fact that the businesses will know that the inspectors cannot visit them means they are more likely to take risks with our members health and safety. Part of the advantage of Local Councils doing health and safety inspections was that they could combine them with other inspections such as noise, consumer protection, or food hygiene. This advantage will now be lost.'