
Nominations and AGM 2014

Dear Colleagues


This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held at:

The Little Theatre, Thornton (commencing at 1.15 pm.)

The Agenda for the AGM will be sent to you nearer the time, but you should make a note of this date NOW.

I hope you will attend, not only to elect those who will represent you in 2014, but also to vote on making Union policy. This meeting is your opportunity to vote on issues which affect YOU.

A full list of valid nominations for Branch appointments is shown below.

I look forward to seeing you there on 27th February 2014.

Yours sincerely

Branch Secretary

The following nominations for Branch appointments were received by the closing date at 12 Noon on Wednesday 29th January 2014.

Chair - Grant McClure
Vice Chair - Charles Hancock
Branch Secretary - Duncan Griffiths
Branch Deputy Secretary - Lee Wallace-Dand
Asst Branch Secretary (OSN) - Carl Erwin
Asst Branch Secretary (Corp Centre/Shared Services) - Jon Colgan
Asst Branch Secretary (CMG) Bill Robison
Treasurer - Jacqui Dunkerley
Organiser - Mick Daniels
Deputy Organiser (two posts) - Katya Lawder, Clare Bat Or
Equal Opportunities Officer - Alistair Mitchell
Young Members’ Officer - No Nominations
Branch Auditors (2) - Diane Noblett, No second nomination

Conference Delegates
National Conference (5 to be elected) - Jon Colgan, Jacqui Dunkerley, Grant McClure, Alistair Mitchell and Garry Wild.

DWP Group Conference (5 to be elected) - Jon Colgan, Jacqui Dunkerley, Grant McClure, Alistair Mitchell and Garry Wild

Where the prescribed number of nominations were received the officers above have been duly elected unopposed.

Other Positions 
Branch Women’s Committee (12 to be elected) - No Nominations

The following vacancies can be filled by candidates nominated at the AGM:
  1. Branch Officer (Young Members’ Officer)
  2. Branch Auditor
  3. Branch Women’s Committee (12 posts)
Please attend and exercise your democratic rights as a member.