
Check how little your pay has gone up in the last 6 years

PCS urges all DWP staff to go to RM and check how their pay has been affected by the Government pay and pensions policy over the past 6 years since the economic crash.

The two example below show clearly how increased pension contributions and the pay freeze have left us worse off as inflation soars ahead of wages.    

Example 1 an AO in East London
An AO in East London found by checking on RM that his monthly take home pay in September 2008 was £1,437.10. Monthly take home pay in September 2014 is now £1,438.64. So in 6 years take home pay has gone up by only £1.54.

Example 2 an EO in London
An EO in East London found by checking on RM that his monthly take home pay in September 2008 was £1,805. Monthly take home pay in September 2014 is now £1,816. So in 6 years take home pay has gone up by only £11 a month.

Whatever tiny pay rise these staff have had has been swallowed up by the increased pension contribution.