
DCPU Turrets Members Meetings

DCPU members will be aware that following the ballot on Thursday 31st July 2008 at the members’ meetings that a pilot has taken place to test the Turrets Joint Statement and new way of working.

We have kept members informed as to the latest position from meetings with the employer in a series of circulars to the area directly concerned, however as the Pilot is now over and the review has taken place we thought that it was time to hold meetings for all the members as the Joint Statement set out the fact that there were not sufficient staff to do the work at Warbreck and that there would be initiatives to improve the staffing situation.

Due to this we have arranged members’ meetings as follows:

Wednesday 1st October 2008
10:30 am - Warbreck Canteen
2:15 pm - Warbreck Canteen

45 minutes has been granted by the Employer for you to attend one of these meetings.

If you have read this page and are not a member; then please complete the application form available at the link on the top right hand side of this site.