
Free Text Service for PCS DWP Members

The GEC offer a free text service to PCS representatives and members.

DWP Group will send out text messages on key Group issues, campaigns, negotiations and about any industrial action or events in the Group. They may also send you information about PCS wide issues.

They can now also direct specific texts to Branch Secretaries, Organisers and Union Learning Reps.

To Subscribe:
Just email your name, your mobile phone number, your membership number and the name of your branch to the Leeds office (leeds@pcs.org.uk) and the PCS Group will add you to their system.

PCS do not charge your mobile phone to receive these texts, this service is absolutely free to PCS members !!!

To Unsubscribe:
If you wish to be removed from our texting system just email to the same address with unsubscribe in the subject box and give us your mobile number and your membership number.