
DWP Pay Campaign Update

In a week which saw increasing financial uncertainty and an increase in the jobless figures of 81,000 with predictions that unemployment could reach 2 million by the end of 2008, it is becoming increasingly clear that DWP needs to ensure it has sufficient, properly rewarded, motivated and experienced staff to deal with the growing economic crisis. The GEC met this week and considered reports from the ongoing departmental talks, feedback from the NEC on the national pay dispute. A report of the GEC meeting and decisions will be issued soon.

PCS is balloting all civil service members over potential strike action from next week. We are calling for pay increases that at least match the rate of inflation. We also want a fair deal on progression. Our members face a double disadvantage compared to the rest of the public sector. For us the pay cap includes the cost of progression up the pay range. So there is less money available to fund basic pay awards.

We are negotiating with Ministers. We want a fair settlement. In the past we have successfully done that on pensions and jobs. But so far they are not responding positively on pay. So we must build up our campaign, including balloting members on industrial action. The aim will be to make the greatest possible impact and show the crucial roles PCS members play in society.

We want members to support a programme of industrial action, including a one day national strike followed by several separate weeks of campaigning by members working in different sectors such as education, defence, finance, health and welfare and law and justice. We will take action with other trade unions facing the government’s pay cap wherever possible.

We want a fair negotiated settlement for PCS members. Every member matters – make sure you return your ballot paper.

Vote YES to defend pay and conditions, together we will win!