
Time to Improve Your Pay

After years of talks about pay coherence the PCS National Executive Committee want to step up our campaigning on pay to apply more pressure on the government to take action to bring an end to the current chaos and unfairness of Civil Service pay.

Between 24th September 2008 and 17th October 2008 members will receive a ballot paper, which will ask if you are prepared to take discontinuous strike action, together with action short of a strike, in support of the National Campaign to restore Civil Service Pay Bargaining and a Civil Service Pay structure. Since these were taken away in the 1990’s pay has fallen behind in real terms and in many areas Pay Rise (sometimes called the cost of living increase) and Pay progression elements (time to move from scale minima to scale maxima) have been blended to artificially inflate pay rises, whilst lengthening Pay Progression to a century or more.

Overall Objectives of the Campaign
We are aiming for the widest possible support from members for our pay objectives based on gaining their agreement that;

  • All members in the civil service should be paid the same "going rate" for the job (i.e. the higher pay rates now existing in some civil service organisations)

  • The principle of "equal pay for work of equal value" applies across all parts of the civil service and related organisations, for all grades/pay bands, by raising the lower pay rates up to the same as the higher ones

  • Speedy pay progression to maximum rates for all i.e. no more than 5 years

  • Separately funded pay progression and pay rise elements

  • There must be protection of pay values in "higher paying" organisations and improved pay progression for all members in all areas.

What you can do to support the campaign
If you are a member then please participate in the Ballot and vote for action to support the campaign, if you have not yet joined PCS then please complete the application form found at the "join us" link on the top right hand side of this page.