
Election for the Posts of Delegates to DWP and National Conference

The purpose of this post is to advise members of the details of procedures under Rules 8 and 9 to elect conference delegates for the 2009/2010 period.

The following valid nominations were received by the cut-off point on 29th January 2009:

Clare Bat Or, Emma Haslehurst, Gloria Hodgkinson (Group Conference only), Martin Jones (National Conference only), Dave Kearsley, Michelle Kenyon, Grant McClure, Chris Wade.

The ballot will be held at the Annual General Meeting on 26th February 2009.

In order to vote you need to attend the AGM as the ballot papers will ONLY be available at the meeting on Thursday, 26th February 2009, commencing at 10:15am at The Cliffs Hotel, Blackpool.

The election address received for the candidates can be found here. It would be beneficial if members read them before the AGM.

If you require any further details do not hesitate to contact the Branch Secretary.