
Put People First

March For jobs, Justice and Climate

Join the national Put People First march for jobs, justice and climate and call for decent jobs and public services for all, an end to global poverty and inequality, and a green economy.
Thousands of people will march through London on 28 March, as the leaders of 20 of the world's economic powers prepare to meet on 2 April for a G20 Summit in an attempt to tackle the recession and global financial crisis.

Global problems, public solutions
The last year has made us appreciate even more so than before that crises in one part of the world impact on other areas of the globe. Solutions must therefore be truly global and not just designed to protect the interests of the most economically developed countries and the wealthy elites within them. The leaders of the G20 countries must not be allowed to just tinker with a global economic system that has failed people across the world and continues to endanger our environment.

To get this message across, PCS has joined a broad 'Put People First' (PPF) coalition, including the TUC and many others who were part of Make Poverty History. This also fits in with PCS and War on Want's 'Global Problems, Public Solutions' campaign, calling for a clampdown on the overseas tax­dodging activities of UK multinational companies.

March for jobs, justice and climate
PPF is organising a mobilisation on 28 March in advance of the G20 summit; a march will start at 11 am from Victoria Embankment to Hyde Park.

The campaign has three key messages:

- decent jobs and public services for all
- end global poverty and inequality
- build a green economy

There can be no going back to business as usual, with poor regulation encouraging shoddy business practices, short-term profits, and an inadequate commitment to protecting our environment. The only sustainable way to build a truly global economy is through fair distribution of wealth that provides decent jobs and public services for all, ends global inequality and builds a low-carbon future.

Get involved
Materials to promote the march will be sent to branches and regional offices. More information, including downloadable flyers and posters, are available at the Put People First Website here.

We need volunteer stewards - contact Hannah Charnock in the PCS campaigns unit to volunteer by email or on 0207 801 2749.