
PDCS Job Losses – Update

Following the recent announcement of 1100 jobs to go in PDCS (Pensions, Disability & Carers Service) senior PCS officials have now met with PDCS management. The main purpose of this meeting was to establish the future for our members transferring to Jobcentre Plus. However, we also wanted to seek assurances around workloads for those members remaining within the PDCS organisation.

PDCS Change Programme
Management appeared surprised at the reaction from PCS members and officials around their decision to axe 1100 jobs in PDCS. They stated that, under the PDCS Change Programme, it was always their intention to make a minimum of 1100 staff efficiency savings in this financial year. The offer from Jobcentre Plus, they said, to absorb the planned staff savings merely prevented them from going down the mass redundancy, wastage and early retirement route. Management made it clear that this would have been a possibility should Jobcentre Plus not have stepped in.

Sites Directly Impacted by Decision

Stockport & Wembley
Both Stockport Pension Centre and Wembley DBC will migrate to Jobcentre Plus. The migration of work will not commence until early summer. Staff will then be trained in Jobcentre Plus work, prior to any JC+ work coming in. Numbers released at any one time will be dependent on the ability of JC+ to deliver the relevant training.

Manchester DBC
The decision has been taken to close Manchester DBC by March 2010. The reason given by management was that the current estate is not fit for purpose and all staff can be redeployed to the Jobcentre Plus network, whilst still meeting the restrictions placed around mobility. PCS expressed concerns around the future for the AA members based there (36), however management have given an assurance that all AA’s will be relocated into the Benefit Delivery Centre network within the Manchester area. All AO’s and above will be expected to move to the Customer Services Directorate within the Jobcentre Plus network

Other Sites
There was good news for staff at National Pension Centre (NPC) who have now been given “Transformation” status and would appear to have their future secured. Similarly, whilst Winter Fuel Payments are moving to NPC, staff at Southgate House will transfer to Cardiff Disability Centre and be re-trained to carry out Disability Benefits work. Staff based at Glasgow DBC will be re-housed at the recently modernised Atlantic Quay, two minutes walk from their current location, and will expand in size to accommodate additional work.

Management have confirmed that Walsall will remain open until Autumn 2010, at least, and retain its “Migration” status. PCS have made clear to management that it is totally unacceptable to continue treating members on the Walsall site in this cavalier fashion. With the current exodus off staff to Jobcentre Plus, PCS would have expected Walsall to be given “Transformation” status and allow the members there some certainty over their future.

Terms & Conditions
All members transferring across to Jobcentre Plus do so with their existing terms and conditions. This includes preferred working patterns, reasonable adjustments etc. Furthermore, PCS has been given an assurance from DWP management that those staff who do transfer will not be “locked-in” for any given period should they apply, and be successful, with any lateral transfer request to another Government department.

Whilst PCS accepts that there are huge pressures on our members within Jobcentre Plus which require immediate action, we cannot support the majority of the above decisions taken by PDCS management. In order to provide a lifeline to Jobcentre Plus, they have merely asset-stripped the PDCS network. We are already missing targets, shelving work and turning our back on the promise of improved accuracy. This helps neither our hard working members or the client groups which our members serve so well.

Representatives Meeting
PCS has called a meeting of representatives across the PDCS organisation, along with both TPS and DCS trade union sides. We would expect reps attending to come armed with statistical information which makes a mockery of managements’ claim that the current state of work across PDCS has never been lower and also how the announcement affects their sites.