
Unite Against Facism - Regional Conference

Saturday 25th April
2pm-5pm (Doors open 1.30 pm)
Mechanics Institute,
103 Princess Street Manchester, M1 6DD
(Go to the Major Street entrance)

It is time for all of us to unite to stop the BNP. This Conference aims to bring together all those who wish to be part of the Campaign to stop the BNP in the European Elections on June the 4th.

“The world is a dangerous place to live in: not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” - Albert Einstein, Refugee to Britain from the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.

The Mechanics Institute is located here.

If you wish to attend, please complete email a registration form which can be found here.

Please email the form to Manchester UAF or contact them for more information and a list of speakers at the event.