
BBW (HADEN) PAY 2009 – Members Information Meetings

The purpose of this circular is to advise members of a forthcoming round of information meetings to discuss the BBW (HADEN) pay offer.

The details of the meetings are as follows:

Wednesday 15th July 2009
Beacon Road Canteen - 8.45am
Warbreck House Canteen - 10.00am
Faraday Way House - 11:45am

Norcross Canteen (Block 5) - 2.30pm

Forty five minutes facility time plus reasonable travelling has been requested for you to attend, please make every effort to attend one of the meetings.

If there is not a meeting arranged on your site please attend the nearest one. (We are hoping members at Peel Park can make either the WH or NX Meeting) Members are encouraged to attend a meeting prior to voting in the Ballot in order that they can discuss and debate the offer and make an informed decision the ballot is scheduled to close on Friday 24th July 2009.

If you have not yet joined PCS then there is an application form here. We encourage members to recruit non members to enable them to attend the meetings.