
Young Members Forum 2010

In February 2010 PCS will hold the fifth annual meeting of the young members' forum in the form of a conference. We are inviting PCS members aged 27 and under to attend.

Date: 5th Feb - 7th Feb (arrival Friday night only)
Venue: Britannia Hotel, Birmingham

- Report on the progress and actions taken to promote the young members' charter.
- Develop plans for building and raising the profile of the network.
- Setting the 2010 agenda for organising, bargaining and campaigning.
- Announcement of candidates standing for national Chair, Vice Chair and Equalities Officer to the newly elected national young members committee.

Topics covered
- Organising and young members.
- Young members and the industrial agenda.
- Young members breaking into union structures.
- Building links with other organisations, social justice and the wider community - call centre campaign, youth networks in other trade unions, international solidarity campaigns.

Selection Process
There are a limited number of places for members to attend this conference and we have tried to develop a process that allows for fair representation of young members from the regional networks and branch activists. Therefore there are two ways you can be nominated to attend this conference.

1) Be nominated by your regional network as one of the regional delegates confirmed by the regional committee (please forward a copy of your application to the regional office)

2) Be nominated by your Branch to attend on their behalf.

Please complete the attached application form and return your nomination to the full time regional organiser in your region or to your branch for nomination to the national young members coordinating committee.

Conference arrangements
Accommodation for the event will be booked by PCS centrally so delegates do not need to arrange this but please indicate which days/nights you will be attending. A creche facility will be provided so again, please indicate on the form if you wish to use this.

To have your travel arrangements pre booked please tick the box on the registration form and a form will be sent to you to complete and send back. All food will be provided for the conference so if you have any special dietary requirements please specify them on the registration form attached.

If you have any questions please contact Tracy Edwards in the Organising & Learning Department on 020 7801 2691 or email.

More information will be sent to you regarding the agenda and travel and accommodation arrangements once you have been confirmed to attend.

Please RSVP by the 11th of December to Tracy Edwards, 160 Falcon Rd, London, SW11 2LN or email.