
HP Enterprise Services campaign

Encourage anyone you know in HPe (formerly EDS) to join his colleagues and support the campaign

PCS members in HP Enterprise Services are angry that public money is being spent on large CEO salaries and expenses, rather than rewarding hard working employees who consistently deliver high quality IT services to both the DWP and other clients.

Mark Hurd, the HP CEO received a total compensation package of $42,514,524 (US) for the year end 31 October 2008. In the same year, he spent $135,734 (US) on his personal use of the HP corporate jet!

Is this fair when the members jobs are not secure and they've been asked to take pay cuts?

Encourage members to support the campaign and tell Mark Hurd and HP Enterprise Services that enough is enough!

Our union at HP Enterprise Services PCS is campaigning for:

- Improved job security for all PCS members in the North West and North East – no compulsory redundancies
- Improved pay for those covered by collective bargaining
- An annual pay review for all staff

Below are some suggestions about how our HPe PCS colleagues can support the campaign for fairness at work:

  • Send an email to your local MP outlining your concerns (guidance here).
    Invite your colleagues to go to PCS events and meetings and to join PCS if they are not a member.
  • Participate in the ballot, which closes on 30 November.