
PCS DWP/CMEC News Catch-up

More than 4,000 trade unionists, including many PCS members, lobbied the Lib Dem conference in Liverpool on Sunday. Public and private sector unions came together to protest at the coalition government’s threatened cuts to public services. PCS reps and members gave out leaflets calling for an end to planned job cuts and instead for savings to be made by going after the tax dodgers who evade £123 billion of tax each year. PCS was therefore pleased when the government announced an intention to close more tax loopholes and when Nick Clegg condemned tax evaders. Next week PCS will have a stall and a fringe meeting at Labour Party conference to promote our alternative to the cuts. On October 3rd we will join the TUC demonstration outside the Conservative party conference in Birmingham. Events this week show that piling on the pressure works. PCS will keep the pressure up.

DWP and CMEC pay talks continuing
The DWP GEC met this week to discuss progress so far in the pay talks. The GEC agreed that because of the pay freeze it was important that the negotiators sought to maximise the payment made to every member and to make the payments as fair as possible.

If there's no money - what's the delay?
Under the Governments pay freeze, all staff who earn under £21k are only guaranteed a payment of £250. All other staff are entitled to nothing. PCS has been arguing for more than the minimum £250 and that every penny of the bonus money must be used to ensure that everybody gets something this year. This is why the talks are continuing. PCS will continue talks next week to try to get a bigger pay rise for everybody.

Fairest possible use of the bonus money
PCS is arguing that every penny of the bonus money must be used on pay, that we all did a tremendous job last year and therefore we all deserve a fair share of the bonus money.

Better personal rewards needed
The personal reward statements they have received have irritated many members. PCS is arguing with management that because of the pay freeze management should enhance the rewards on offer. Full access to flexi working for all would be a start as would restoring the Christmas flexi credit. We urge management to consider ways of improving the total reward package to boost morale during such difficult times.

Together we will win

Fighting for every FTA job in DWP
Last week it was announced that 5,900 FTA contracts in Jobcentre Plus would be extended. Local PCS reps have been trying to get as many FTA members contracts as possible extended. Many unfair situations have been uncovered - if you feel you have been treated unfairly then contact your local PCS rep for help.

More job opportunities
PCS is arguing that any FTA whose contract is not extended, should be considered for vacancies elsewhere in the department. Vacancies are occurring as many more FTA staff are leaving to get other jobs. If you have not yet written to your MP please do - over 100 MPs have signed our Early Day Motion on staffing.