
TUC Lib Dem Lobby - Liverpool

The Government’s cuts are already damaging jobs and services.

Much worse will come in October’s spending review.

Ministers tell us that there is no alternative. But the cuts won’t just hit vital services, they threaten economic recovery.

Coalition policies are not just about reducing the deficit, but undermining publicly accountable quality services.

Take education. The school buildings programme has been cut to pay for new academies and so-called free schools that threaten every other school.

Before polling day Conservatives told us that frontline services would be spared and the vulnerable protected. Liberal Democrats said that they would oppose early cuts that hit the economy.

Both pledges have been broken.
  • Join unions, the TUC, teachers, pupils, parents and public sector workers in a lobby of delegates to the Lib Dem annual conference.
  • Tell them just how unpopular and damaging the cuts will be.
  • Explain the alternative of a fair tax system and giving the economy every help to grow.

Sunday 19 September 2010

The Lib Dem Conference is being held at the Liverpool Arena and Convention centre. Assemble from 12 noon to lobby delegates. Stewards will be available to direct you to the assembly point.

Event co-ordinated by the North West TUC. For more information contact: Alan Manning, TUC Regional Secretary, | amanning@tuc.org.uk | 0151 236 5432 www.tuc.org.uk/northwest