
King Jones Kith and Kin Web Quiz

Here is a quiz for all those of you that browse our web page for information. You can copy and paste the quiz into a document and print it if you like, or just jot them down on some scrap and send it to the address at the end of the quiz. You can email your answers to: DWP PCS Fylde Central Benefits and Services Branch

Either way, don’t forget to include your name, workplace location details and your PCS membership number if possible. The quiz is only open to members (and we will check). Also include the name of the quiz on your entry.

Gadzooks King Jones here, for those who weren't at the 2013 AGM I am no longer the Branch Chair.

I thought to mark the passing of my reign with a quiz about my kith and kin.

So here is the last King Jones kith and kin quiz – fitting that it is the first on-line branch quiz hosted by me being King of the Branch IT also.

Question 1
My final year of reign may not go down as Gloriana, but who was the final monarch of the Tudor dynasty. Was it?

a) Henry VIII
b) Edward IV
c) Jane Grey
d) Mary I 
e) Elizabeth I 

Question 2 
During the Regency period; when the Prince Regent ruled by proxy, who was the King who was unfit to rule.Was it?

a) George I
b) George II
c) George III
d) George IV
e) William IV

Question 3
Which monarch introduced the Poll Tax and faced the peasants' revolt. Was it?

a) Richard I
b) Richard II
c) Elizabeth I
d) Elizabeth II
e) Matilda

Question 4
Which King was forced to sign the Provisions of Oxford in 1258? Was it?

a) Henry I
b) Henry II
c) Henry III
d) Henry IV
e) Henry V

Question 5
What is the name of Queen Victoria's residence on the Isle of Wight? Was it?

a) Balmoral
b) Windsor Castle
c) Osborne House
d) Buckingham Palace
e) Highgrove

Question 6
Which monarch bought Buckingham House (now Palace), owned by the Dukes of Buckingham, for his wife. Was it?

a) George I
b) George II
c) George III
d) George IV
e) George V

Please send your paper based answers to Jacqui “I actually thought that Martin was of nobility when I first started around here, I’ll have you know” Dunkerley, Room C122A, Warbreck House to arrive no later than Friday 13th of December 2013.

The winner will receive a mystery prize. Please remember that only members of the Fylde Central Benefits and Services Branch, excluding Branch Executive Committee can enter the quiz.

King Jones