
Cast Your Vote Today

The PCS ballot for action on fair pay runs until 30 June and it's quick and easy to vote yes.

How to vote
Members are able to cast their ballot in 1 of 3 different ways:
Post - Use the envelope in your ballot pack
Phone - 0800 197 4625 (free).

To cast a vote electronically members need a security code, which is on the reverse of the ballot paper. It comes in 2 parts, and both parts are needed.
Members do not need their membership number or NI number to cast their vote, just the security code. However they will need either or of these to request a replacement paper.
Read more about the campaign here.

Pay squeeze calculator shows scale of losses
We have launched a new pay squeeze calculator which shows members what their level of pay would be if it had kept pace with inflation.

The calculator (click here) shows the effect of the government's pay and pension policies on the value of civil servants' salaries.

Branches have already started running pay surgeries using the calculator and members have been shocked by what they've learnt.

One rep Rachel said: "I did the calculation and was shocked to find out that I have lost abour £6,000 over the last 4 years."

We would like reps and members to send their calculations to davidt@pcs.org.uk

For the latest on the pay campaign: http://www.pcs.org.uk/pay