
Check off or Checkmate?

The following is in reply to the Branch correspondence concerning the threat from some within the coalition Government to attack Trade Unions by removing the check off facility from PCS:

“Thank you for your email to Nick Clegg MP concerning “check-off.” I am replying on his behalf and would like to apologise for the delay in responding.

I can confirm that there is no cross-government agreement to end the process of check-off. Nick is unconvinced of the merits of doing so, and accepts that check-off can have a legitimate role to play in facilitating the positive and welcome role Trade Unions play in representing their members. Furthermore, Nick recognises that there is no reason whatsoever as a result of the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act for any government department, or indeed any business, to end the process of check-off.

Each government department will need to make its own decision as ultimately the decision to end check-off lies with each Secretary of State and their Permanent Secretary - you may therefore wish to make representations at a department level. I can, however, clarify that no Liberal Democrat-led department will be ending check-off and, in other departments, Liberal Democrat Ministers will argue against any proposal to do so.

Yours sincerely,

Edward Simpson
Direct Communications Manager
Office of Nick Clegg MP”