
DWP Pay Bulletin 48

Please see info below from PCS DWP Group:

Merry Christmas and a more prosperous New Year
PCS wishes all its members in DWP a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. We would like to thank all reps and members for the support they have given to PCS in 2008, particularly the fantastic backing shown for the pay campaign. This has undoubtedly put us in a much stronger position to get the improvements we need to pay in DWP. We hope members will enjoy their well earned festive break.

Record Unemployment
The latest unemployment figures out this week show another steep rise in the numbers claiming Jobseekers Allowance -now topping 1 million.

Members will be only too aware of the pressure that these increases in unemployment place on them. Recent agreements on extra staff are welcome but we need this to be combined with real improvements to our pay as well.

At a time when DWP is relying on its staff not just to cope with unprecedented increases in workloads, but also to find jobs for all these people in such difficult circumstances, it is imperative that they reward their staff properly as well.

DWP talks to continue in 2009
The DWP pay team will continue to have talks with DWP management early in the New Year, confident that we can build on the progress that has been made so far on the issues of key concern to members. In addition to the talks we have already had on Managing attendance, flexi and family friendly working, job security, PDS and improving employee relations, the agreement now reached at national level means that it is now possible to talk substantively about pay.

The agreement states that efficiency savings can now be used to improve our members pay, under rules now being developed in talks with the Treasury, and that the 2% pay cap on basic pay rises is removed. This means our further talks with DWP based on the new national pay agreement can and should put more money on the negotiating table and then into members pockets.

This is our number one priority for the New Year.

Wishing you all a happy peaceful and prosperous 2009