
Norcross - Mobile phone mast coming to you!

We have been advised that there are plans to install a mobile phone mast on public land at the front of Block 1 Norcross, in essence directly outside the building. If you do not currently work in Block 1, please bear in mind that you might do at some future point.

LST has lodged an objection on behalf of the Departments, which we welcome, however thus far, Wyre Borough Council has not shifted its position.

When mobile phones were first introduced, it was originally thought that microwave radiation was harmless, being at the opposite end of the electro-magnetic spectrum to known dangerous emitters such as x and y rays. However, subsequent brain cancer cases showed that, depending on the strength and proximity of the signal, microwave radiation could indeed be harmful. Since then government has allowed a massive proliferation of masts as a revenue earner without any real analysis of the dangers.

Our view is to adhere to the cautionary principle.

We have requested advice as to when objections need to be lodged by. At present, we do not have this information, but we would encourage members and potential members to write lodging objections urgently. Particularly members in Block 1.

Details of the proposal can be found on the council web site here.

Objections should be lodged with:

The Planning Department
Wyre Borough Council
Breck Road

In order to exert effective pressure, please ensure that you copy your objection to the Council leader, Coun. Russell Forsyth, and the Councillors for the ward. We are advised by the Council that this is Norcross ward, and the Councillors are Coun. Ron Greenhough and Coun. Anne Turner. We are advised that the Breck Road address is suitable for all recipients.

It is best to write in your own words, however, if members prefer to use a model objection statement, please contact us and one can be supplied.