The purpose of this circular is to advise of the details of procedures under Rules 27 and 28 to elect BEC members at Warbreck for the 2010/2011 period.
The following valid nominations were received by the cut-off point on 3rd February 2010.
Craig Barrett, Victor Carman, Simon Clapham, Carl Erwin, Gregg Fothergill,
Deborah Jones, Tony Manning, Alistair Mitchell, Clark Nuttall, Malcolm Phair,
Tracey Pierce, Dave Ray, Garry Wild, Darryl Wolstencroft.
There are the election addresses submitted by the candidates and these can be found here. It will be available at the AGM and a copy can be forwarded on request.
The ballot opens on 17th February 2010 and closes at a time that will be advised during and at the Annual General Meeting on 25th February 2010.
In order to vote in the election there are several ways to do so:
- ballot papers will be available at the AGM on Thursday, 25th February 2010, commencing at 10:15 am at The Cliffs Hotel;
- by a postal vote. Please email Duncan Griffiths from your work email account requesting a ballot paper if you cannot attend the AGM (you will also automatically receive the election addresses);
If you require any further details do not hesitate to contact Duncan by email or on Ext: 63484.