
DWP and CMEC pay offer expected next week (and other issues).

DWP and CMEC pay talks concluded this week and PCS expects to have pay offers from management to discuss when the DWP Group Executive meet on 6 & 7 October. As soon as the Group Executive Committee has seen the offer, meetings with PCS members will be arranged to discuss the offer in detail. DWP management have agreed to allow time off for all members to attend these workplace meetings. 

Fair pay demanded
Because of the government’s pay freeze it is obvious that members’ legitimate aspirations on pay are not going to be satisfied with this offer. However, DWP management must do everything in their power to use all available money for pay and to distribute it as fairly as possible so that everyone gets as much as possible during these very difficult times. 

PCS pay negotiators ask for a meeting with Leigh Lewis 
The DWP pay negotiators do not feel satisfied that the money is going to be distributed as fairly as possible. We are also very disappointed that the money from the Special Bonus scheme has not been used to improve pay. Finally we feel that further improvements – that cost nothing – such as to terms and conditions could have been offered to make the Personal Reward Statements more meaningful. Awarding all DWP staff full access to flexi and a Christmas flexi credit would have been a good start. 

We have therefore asked to meet Leigh Lewis, DWP permanent secretary, to ask him to help us to ensure that the pay offer is as fair to everyone as it can be. We are keen to meet with him quickly because we want to see the pay award paid as quickly as possible. 

Together we will win
PCS continues to gain political support for our alternative to the cuts

PCS had a stand at Labour party conference this week and a very well supported fringe meeting where we invited Labour MPs to join us in defending our jobs and vital local services. Most people in this country firmly believe that public services need investment not drastic cuts. Many politicians take the opposite view. That is why we are taking our new national campaign – including a real economic alternative – to the party conferences. On Sunday PCS will join the demonstration against the proposed cuts outside the Conservative party conference as it begins in Birmingham. 

Flexi agreement retained in BFD
BFD management tried to negotiate a revised flexi-time agreement for members in BFD which originally included scheduling. PCS removed the threat of scheduling in talks. The one negative change management have insisted on is that smokers can only smoke in tea breaks or lunch breaks or flex off to smoke. Although this will not be welcomed by smokers, and PCS argued against this, PCS felt that it was very important to maintain a flexi agreement to protect all members’ rights on flexi. The new agreement will come in from October 1st. 

But no agreement on flexi in CCD
Unfortunately, CCD management has so far refused to budge over their unnecessarily draconian scheduling arrangements. The strong support shown by members in CCD for the "Blackburn Pilot" is clear evidence that better flexibility is possible and must be delivered by CCD management. Members in CCD are currently being consulted about how we can make CCD management see sense over this issue at workplace meetings - make sure you attend yours to have your say.