
PCS economic alternative

PCS launched its alternative economic strategy on the eve of the TUC congress in Manchester.

At the launch on 12 September the union stated the coalition government does not need to cut a single job in the civil and public services and should be creating jobs, not cutting them.

It outlined the need to invest in the public sector to help the economy to grow and ensure against a double-dip recession.

At TUC, PCS urged other unions to agree to unite and co-ordinate campaigns and industrial action where necessary. How to organise community campaigns against the government’s spending cuts plans was also discussed. The strategy also calls for investment in areas such as housing, renewable energy and public transport, highlights the £120 billion tax gap of evaded, avoided and uncollected tax, argues for the non-renewal of Trident and ending the use of consultants in the civil and public services.

Cuts are political choice of cabinet millionaires
PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “We are constantly told by a cabinet of millionaires that cuts are inevitable. Far from being unavoidable, their plans to cut government departments’ budgets by up to 40% are a political choice driven by ideology, not necessity.”