
Lobby of Parliament

As the government’s comprehensive spending review (CSR) looms PCS reps across the country are taking to the streets to demonstrate there is an alternative to the coalition’s proposed vicious cuts.
The spending review on 20th October 2010 is forecast to set out a bleak future for public services with some departments asked to make 40% budget savings. It has never been so important to demonstrate there is another way, what the government is proposing is wrong and investment is vital in public services.

The week of 18 October will see activities across the country outlining this alternative to the cuts, involving other trade unions, community groups, charities and organisations with a stake in quality public services remaining in their communities.

On 19 October the TUC has organised a national rally and lobby where, working with other unions, we hope to target 150 Liberal Democrat and Conservative MPs from constituencies across the country. A Branch Officer will be attending the lobby to try and put forward the concerns of the members on the Fylde Coast.