
Check-off campaign: take action now.

The following details have been supplied by PCS:
1000 PCS members have sent the latest campaign email to MPs, asking them to write to Francis Maude MP and urge him to retract his request to departments, and 3,500 people have written to Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister, asking him to speak out in government to protect check-off.

Support has also come from Jon Ashworth MP, Shadow Cabinet Minister who has written an article for the Unions Together website about the ideological nature of the attack. http://www.unionstogether.org.uk/blog/entry/another_tory_attack_on_trade_unions_-_ending_check-off/

Last month, Jon Ashworth MP cross questioned Maude in the House of Commons and about his interference and forced him to admit for the first time both that it was not his decision to make but for departments and that the costs of ending checkoff were potentially huge.

If you have not done so already, please join the campaign.

Email Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister (www.pcs.org.uk/savecheckoff)
Email your MP (www.pcs.org.uk/MPsavecheckoff)

If you are an employee of the devolved administrations (the Scottish government, Welsh government or Northern Ireland government), we have a separate campaign email for you because while you are not directly affected, your voice in the campaign could be crucial. Please email your MP today (www.pcs.org.uk/dasavecheckoff)