
Cofely (Ex BBW) members stand united and win

Threat of industrial action secures enhancements

The threat of industrial action by members working for Cofely (formerly Balfour Beatty) on the DWP contract has secured enhancements to redundancy terms and measures to support people leaving the company.

Members had indicated they were angry and prepared to take action in a dispute about the loss of posts, real concerns about future job security, the paucity of statutory redundancy payments and lack of measures to support people through the process, including; retraining.

However, before the ballot was due to begin, an offer made on 4 February, was considered by the branch executive committee and was accepted as making significant progress to deal with members’ concerns.

A PCS spokesperson said “The threat of industrial action at Cofely workplace has been met with a significant change of position from senior management and money put onto the negotiating table.
As further changes are predicted at Cofely, we call on all staff to note that by standing together PCS has shown that in the workplace we can achieve real gains.”

Steve Cawkwell
Group Secretary