
DWP Group Executive Committee Launches the DWP 2014 Pay Claim

The following details have been supplied by the PCS DWP Group:
The GEC is submitting the pay claim to DWP management to coincide with the TUC’s Britain Needs a Pay Rise Day on 1st April.

The DWP 2014 Pay Claim is based on the national union’s 2014 Pay Claim. Pay remains an integral part of the national PCS campaign for better pay, pensions and terms and conditions. Pay in DWP continues to be subject to a government imposed cap that keeps wages low and prevents members form progressing up the pay scale.

If pay had just kept pace with inflation, average civil service pay would be £1,800 higher than it is now. Across the economy pay cuts have damaged the economy and caused real hardship for millions of people.

PCS is backing the TUC’s campaign to increase the UK’s pay packet and get it shared more equally. The super rich continue to see their pay soar while falling wages are hitting millions of people. 

Headlines of the 2014 DWP Pay Claim:
  • An end to the government imposed pay freeze/cap
  • A Minimum 5% or £1,200 consolidated pay increase
  • The Living Wage to underpin all pay policies and contracts
  • Pay progression as a right for all
  • National bargaining on pay for all staff

Equal pay and equality should be the central principles on which pay systems are based:
  • Close pay gaps within and across departments
  • No discriminatory performance pay
  • Short pay scales with contractual progression

The full details of the pay claim can be found here.