
FAO: MITIE Members on the DWP Cleaning Contract

The following has been supplied by PCS HQ:

Dear all,

PCS is aware that our Mitie members working on DWP cleaning Contract have received a letter from Dawn Kiveston, Mitie HR Business Partner, and Integrated Facilities Management informing them that Mitie was unsuccessful in tendering for the contract and that Cofely has been appointed as the new contractor. She also asked them to elect employee representatives with a view to reaching agreement on the proposals for the transfer of their employment to Cofely but the letter did not mention that Mitie will be consulting the union.  The closing date for the election of the employee representative is Friday 15th August 2014. 

Please talk to Mitie staff in your office and let them know that PCS will be representing them and not to participate in the election process.

Kind regards.
Sarah Taiwo
DWP Industrial Officer.