
Global Frackdown Day

In May, Annual Delegate Conference (ADC) passed motion A93 setting out PCS’ programme of work around green issues for the coming year.

This includes: “To work with the TUC, other unions and campaigning organisations in order to implement the 2012 TUC Congress motion on shale gas extraction (“fracking”), incineration plants and the creation of climate jobs.”

As a step towards this, PCS is promoting the Global Month of Action on Energy from 11 October to 11 November. This is a joint initiative of a number of organisations, including Friends of the Earth and Reclaim the Power, and its aim is to highlight renewable energy alternatives to what is termed “dirty energy” including fracking.

PCS believes that shale gas extraction - or fracking - is not the answer to meet Britain’s energy needs. Neither is it the magic answer to challenge the stranglehold the “Big Six” suppliers have over pricing which is forcing an increasing number of people into fuel poverty. Above all, extraction of fossil fuels such as shale gas is a major contributor to climate change.

For a sustainable and long-term energy secure future, PCS believes that the solution to stopping harmful extraction of fossil fuels is investment in renewable sources such as wind, wave and solar. Or investment in One Million Climate jobs, key to the alternative case PCS is putting against austerity and public sector cuts. It is understandable that at a time of high energy costs, the promise of lower bills as a result of fracking is an attractive one. However whilst David Cameron may say that he wants the nation “to share in the benefits: north or south” the reality is that fossil fuel companies such as Cuadrilla will be the main ones to profit. As with the banking crisis, the taxpayer will be left with the ‘toxic debt’ of dirty energy by way of climate change.

During the Global Month of Action on Energy, 19th October has been designated Global Frackdown Day.

The aim is to unite concerned citizens across the globe in sending a message to elected officials in our communities that we want a future powered by clean, renewable energy, not dirty, polluting fossil fuels such as shale gas.

For more information on the month and the day visit: http://www.globalfrackdown.org or http://www.foe.co.uk/news/reclaim_power_41127.html for local Friends of the Earth events.

We will be looking to further develop our campaigning against fracking and other dirty energies at the PCS Green Forum on 15/16th November in Leeds.

If you are interested in green issues as a trade union issue and would like to attend this event, please see BB.58.13 or contact Lyndsey Mouland on 0207 801 2683 or at green@pcs.org.uk.

Chris Baugh, Assistant General Secretary