
PCS Young Workers Forum

The following has been supplied by NW Regional Office:


On Saturday 19th October in Manchester, the NW TUC will be holding our TUC Young Workers 'Pay and Employment' Open Forum. This is part of the national Young Workers Forum plans to make its work more inclusive to all young people.

The event, which will run from 12pm until 2pm, will be held at the Mechanics Institute, Manchester, and is an opportunity for all young people - be they reps, activists, members, students or unemployed - to come along and share their thoughts and ideas on our campaign for better pay and employment opportunities.

There will be speakers including Lynn Collins, Regional Secretary, Alison McGovern MP and Shiv Malik, author of Jilted Generation, along with speakers from trade unions and campaign groups. The NW TUC want a large and diverse audience to help shape our campaign. Please share this with PCS members and colleagues. It's an opportunity for all young people to come and have their say.

Please find a leaflet/poster advertising the forum here.

Please let us know if you intend to attend (nwrc@pcs.org.uk).

Paula Wood
PCS Union Organiser
0151 298 3904